You are here: Roving Mouse > Interplanetary > Mars > Atlas > Feature Index
Babakin crater (78km) Look for it (85 pixels big) in the northwestern part of area southeast of Babakin crater
Bacht crater (7km) Only 8 pixels big in the northeastern part of area southwest of Viana crater
Baetis Chasma (95km) Look for it (103 pixels big) in the northeastern part of area southwest of Baetis Chasma
Baetis Mensa (181km) Look for it (196 pixels big) in the eastern part of area west of Baetis Mensa
Bahn crater (10km) Look for it (11 pixels big) in the southwestern part of area south of Ravi Vallis
Bahram Vallis (403km) You can see most of it in area northwest of Vedra Valles
Bakhuysen crater (162km) Look for it (176 pixels big) in the eastern part of area west of Bakhuysen crater
Balboa crater (20km) Look for it (22 pixels big) in the southern part of area northeast of Tuskegee crater
Baldet crater (195km) Look for it (211 pixels big) in the central part of vicinity of Baldet crater
Balta crater (15km) Look for it (17 pixels big) in the northwestern part of area south of Chekalin crater
Baltisk crater (48km)
Bamba crater (21km) Look for it (23 pixels big) in the southeastern part of area south of Ravi Vallis
Bamberg crater (57km) Look for it (62 pixels big) in the northwestern part of area southeast of Bamberg crater
Banff crater (3km) Only 4 pixels big in the southwestern part of area northeast of Oraibi crater
Banh crater (13km) Look for it (15 pixels big) in the northwestern part of area southeast of Vedra Valles
Bar crater (2km) Only 3 pixels big in the northwestern part of area east of Clota Vallis
Barabashov crater (126km) You can see most of it (and move north to see the rest -- 137 pixels altogether) in eastern Tempe Fossae
Barnard crater (128km)
Basin crater (16km) Look for it (18 pixels big) in the eastern part of area southeast of Viana crater
Bathys Planum (626km) You can see most of it in western Claritas Fossae
Batoka crater (14km) Look for it (16 pixels big) in the southeastern part of area southwest of Tuskegee crater
Bato crater (16km) Look for it (18 pixels big) in the southeastern part of area southwest of Libertad crater
Baykonyr crater (4km) Only 5 pixels big in the northwestern part of area southwest of Loja crater
Becquerel crater (167km) Look for it (181 pixels big) in the western part of area east of Becquerel crater
Beer crater (80km) Look for it (87 pixels big) in the eastern part of area west of Beer crater
Belz crater (10km) Look for it (11 pixels big) in the western part of area southwest of Tarsus crater
Bend crater (2km) Only 3 pixels big in the southwestern part of area north of Chekalin crater
Bentong crater (10km) Look for it (11 pixels big) in the southwestern part of area southeast of Jones crater
Bernard crater (129km) Look for it (140 pixels big) in the southern part of area north of Bernard crater
Berseba crater (36km) Look for it (39 pixels big) in the northern part of area southwest of Tuskegee crater
Bhor crater (6km) Only 7 pixels big in the northeastern part of area southwest of Loja crater
Bianchini crater (77km)
Biblis Patera (117km) Look for it (127 pixels big) in the western part of area east of Biblis Patera
Bigbee crater (18km) Look for it (20 pixels big) in the northwestern part of vicinity of Holden crater
Bise crater (9km) Look for it (10 pixels big) in the southeastern part of area northwest of Vedra Valles
Bison crater (15km) Look for it (17 pixels big) in the southeastern part of vicinity of Erythraea Fossa
Bjerknes crater (89km)
Bled crater (7km) Only 8 pixels big in the southwestern part of area southwest of Libertad crater
Blitta crater (11km) Look for it (12 pixels big) in the southeastern part of area west of Clota Vallis
Blois crater (11km) Look for it (12 pixels big) in the southwestern part of area northeast of Ottumwa crater
Bluff crater (6km) Only 7 pixels big in the northwestern part of area northwest of Linpu crater
Boeddicker crater (107km) Look for it (116 pixels big) in the central part of vicinity of Boeddicker crater
Bogra crater (18km) Look for it (20 pixels big) in the northeastern part of vicinity of Erythraea Fossa
Bok crater (7km) Only 8 pixels big in the southwestern part of area southwest of Libertad crater
Bole crater (8km) Only 9 pixels big in the southeastern part of area northeast of Ottumwa crater
Bond crater (104km) Look for it (113 pixels big) in the western part of area northeast of Hale crater
Bor crater (4km) Only 5 pixels big in the northeastern part of area south of Wabash crater
Bordeaux crater (2km) Only 3 pixels big in the northeastern part of area southeast of Poona crater
Boreale Chasma (318km) You can see most of it (and move north to see the rest -- 344 pixels altogether) in southwestern Acidalia Planitia
Boreum Planum (1066km) You can see most of it (and move northwest to see the rest -- 1152 pixels altogether) in southwestern Arcadia Planitia
Boru crater (11km) Look for it (12 pixels big) in the northwestern part of area south of Chekalin crater
Bosporos Planum (330km) You can see most of it in area northeast of Vik crater
Bosporos Rupes (500km) You can see most of it (and move south to see the rest -- 541 pixels altogether) in area southeast of Tabor crater
Bouguer crater (106km) Look for it (115 pixels big) in the eastern part of area west of Bouguer crater
Bozkir crater (89km)
Brashear crater (126km)
Brazos Valles (494km) You can see most of it in southwestern Arabia Terra
Bremerhaven crater (2km) Only 3 pixels big in the northeastern part of area southeast of Poona crater
Brevia Dorsa (748km)
Briault crater (100km) Look for it (109 pixels big) in the central part of vicinity of Briault crater
Bridgetown crater (2km) Only 3 pixels big in the northwestern part of area northeast of Santa Fe crater
Bristol crater (3km) Only 4 pixels big in the northwestern part of area northeast of Santa Fe crater
Broach crater (11km) Look for it (12 pixels big) in the northeastern part of area northwest of Vedra Valles
Brush crater (5km) Only 6 pixels big in the southeastern part of area northwest of Linpu crater
Bulhar crater (19km) You can see most of it (and move northeast to see the rest -- 21 pixels altogether) in area southwest of Loja crater
Bunge crater (78km) Look for it (85 pixels big) in the eastern part of area northwest of Sumgin crater
Bunge crater (78km) Look for it (85 pixels big) in the eastern part of area northwest of Sumgin crater
Burroughs crater (104km)
Burton crater (137km) Look for it (149 pixels big) in the eastern part of area west of Burton crater
Buta crater (12km) Look for it (13 pixels big) in the southeastern part of area west of Arda Valles
Butte crater (12km) Look for it (13 pixels big) in the northwestern part of area southwest of Tuskegee crater
Byrd crater (122km)
Byske crater (5km) Only 6 pixels big in the northwestern part of area northwest of Arsinoes Chaos