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Rabe crater (99km)
Radau crater (115km) Look for it (125 pixels big) in the eastern part of area west of Radau crater
Rakke crater (18km) Look for it (20 pixels big) in the northwestern part of area south of Chinju crater
Rana crater (12km) Look for it (13 pixels big) in the eastern part of area west of Clota Vallis
Raub crater (7km) Only 8 pixels big in the northeastern part of area southwest of Loja crater
Rauch crater (8km) Only 9 pixels big in the southeastern part of area northwest of Vedra Valles
Ravi Vallis (169km) Look for it (183 pixels big) in the northern part of area south of Ravi Vallis
Ravius Valles (243km) You can see most of it (and move north to see the rest -- 263 pixels altogether) in area northwest of Ceraunius Catena
Rayleigh crater (153km)
Redi crater (62km)
Renaudot crater (69km) You can see most of it (and move north to see the rest -- 75 pixels altogether) in southwestern Utopia Planitia
Rengo crater (12km)
Reull Vallis (972km) Jump to the middle of it: central Reull Vallis
Reuyl crater (74km) Look for it (80 pixels big) in the eastern part of area west of Reuyl crater
Revda crater (26km) Look for it (29 pixels big) in the northeastern part of vicinity of Erythraea Fossa
Reynolds crater (91km)
Rhabon Valles (204km) Look for it (221 pixels big) in the central part of vicinity of Rhabon Valles
Ribe crater (11km) Look for it (12 pixels big) in the southeastern part of area northeast of Oraibi crater
Richardson crater (82km)
Rimac crater (7km) Only 8 pixels big in the northwestern part of area southeast of Loja crater
Rincon crater (13km) Look for it (15 pixels big) in the northwestern part of area southeast of Rincon crater
Ritchey crater (82km) Look for it (89 pixels big) in the northwestern part of area southeast of Ritchey crater
Romny crater (5km) Only 6 pixels big in the northern part of area east of Clota Vallis
Rong crater (9km) Look for it (10 pixels big) in the northeastern part of area northeast of Santa Fe crater
Ross crater (88km)
Rossby crater (82km)
Rubicon Valles (228km) You can see most of it (and move north to see the rest -- 247 pixels altogether) in vicinity of Cyane Catena
Ruby crater (25km) Look for it (28 pixels big) in the northeastern part of area east of Clota Vallis
Rudaux crater (52km) Look for it (57 pixels big) in the northeastern part of area southwest of Rudaux crater
Runa Vallis (36km) Look for it (39 pixels big) in the northeastern part of vicinity of Uzboi Vallis
Russell crater (138km)
Rutherford crater (116km) Look for it (126 pixels big) in the northern part of area south of Rutherford crater
Ruza crater (20km) Look for it (22 pixels big) in the southeastern part of vicinity of Ogygis Rupes
Rynok crater (9km) You can see most of it (and move northwest to see the rest -- 10 pixels altogether) in area southwest of Chincoteague crater
Rypin crater (18km) Look for it (20 pixels big) in the northeastern part of area south of Ravi Vallis