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Wabash crater (42km) Look for it (46 pixels big) in the southern part of area south of Wahoo crater
Wahoo crater (66km) Look for it (72 pixels big) in the northern part of area south of Wahoo crater
Wallace crater (159km)
Wallops crater (2km) Only 3 pixels big in the northwestern part of area southwest of Loja crater
Warra crater (11km) Look for it (12 pixels big) in the southeastern part of area southeast of Tarsus crater
Warrego Valles (164km) You can see most of it (and move south to see the rest -- 178 pixels altogether) in eastern Claritas Fossae
Waspam crater (40km) Look for it (44 pixels big) in the southeastern part of area northwest of Vedra Valles
Wassamu crater (17km) Look for it (19 pixels big) in the southeastern part of area northeast of Ottumwa crater
Wau crater (3km) Only 4 pixels big in the southwestern part of central Nereidum Montes
Weer crater (9km) Look for it (10 pixels big) in the northwestern part of area southwest of Santa Fe crater
Wegener crater (70km)
Weinbaum crater (86km)
Wells crater (94km)
Wer crater (3km) Only 4 pixels big in the northwestern part of area southwest of Bamberg crater
Wicklow crater (21km) Look for it (23 pixels big) in the eastern part of area south of Ravi Vallis
Wien crater (105km) Look for it (114 pixels big) in the eastern part of vicinity of Lasswitz crater
Williams crater (125km) Look for it (136 pixels big) in the eastern part of area west of Williams crater
Wilmington crater (1km) Only 2 pixels big in the southwestern part of area northeast of Santa Fe crater
Windfall crater (20km) Look for it (22 pixels big) in the western part of area south of Ravi Vallis
Wink crater (8km) Only 9 pixels big in the southeastern part of area south of Chinju crater
Wirtz crater (128km)
Wislicenus crater (138km) Look for it (150 pixels big) in the eastern part of area west of Wislicenus crater
Woomera crater (3km) Only 4 pixels big in the northwestern part of area southwest of Loja crater
Wright crater (106km)