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Yakima crater (12km) You can see most of it (and move northwest to see the rest -- 13 pixels altogether) in area southeast of Bamberg crater
Yala crater (19km) Look for it (21 pixels big) in the southwestern part of area northeast of Yala crater
Yar crater (5km) Only 6 pixels big in the northwestern part of area southeast of Tarsus crater
Yat crater (8km) Only 9 pixels big in the northeastern part of area northeast of Oraibi crater
Yegros crater (14km) Look for it (16 pixels big) in the southwestern part of vicinity of Himera Valles
Yorktown crater (8km) Only 9 pixels big in the northeastern part of area southeast of Poona crater
Yoro crater (8km) Only 9 pixels big in the northwestern part of area southeast of Libertad crater
Yungay crater (17km)
Yuty crater (18km) Look for it (20 pixels big) in the northern part of area south of Wahoo crater