Tapes recorded October 1999

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SETI@home tapes recorded October 1999 were processed by clients during the following periods:
Tape First seen Last seen |<— 14-Dec-1999 11-Apr-2000 —>|
02oc99aa 16-Mar-2000 11-Apr-2000
02oc99ab 15-Mar-2000 22-Mar-2000
03oc99aa 21-Mar-2000 26-Mar-2000
04oc99aa 14-Dec-1999 21-Dec-1999
04oc99ab 1-Jan-2000 17-Jan-2000
05oc99aa 15-Mar-2000 5-Apr-2000
06oc99aa 8-Feb-2000 26-Feb-2000
06oc99ab 13-Jan-2000 25-Jan-2000
07oc99aa 28-Dec-1999 12-Jan-2000
08oc99aa 28-Dec-1999 4-Jan-2000
08oc99ab 28-Dec-1999 31-Dec-1999
09oc99aa 6-Jan-2000 20-Jan-2000
10oc99aa 3-Feb-2000 10-Feb-2000
10oc99ab 8-Feb-2000 21-Feb-2000
11oc99aa 8-Feb-2000 19-Feb-2000
12oc99aa 7-Feb-2000 16-Feb-2000
14oc99aa 30-Dec-1999 5-Jan-2000
14oc99ab 9-Feb-2000 22-Feb-2000
16oc99aa 30-Dec-1999 5-Jan-2000
17oc99aa 5-Jan-2000 15-Jan-2000
18oc99aa 8-Jan-2000 15-Jan-2000
18oc99ab 27-Feb-2000 8-Mar-2000
27oc99ab 12-Feb-2000 26-Feb-2000
28oc99aa 11-Jan-2000 22-Jan-2000
29oc99aa 19-Jan-2000 30-Jan-2000
29oc99ab 25-Jan-2000 4-Feb-2000
30oc99aa 25-Jan-2000 8-Feb-2000
31oc99aa 11-Feb-2000 24-Feb-2000

This is based on information sent to me by participating Unix users and has some sampling errors but should be roughly correct.

Ever notice how aliens in movies about first contact are almost always warlike?