Tapes recorded September 2002

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SETI@home tapes recorded September 2002 were processed by clients during the following periods:
Tape First seen Last seen |<— 15-Oct-2002 1-Dec-2002 —>|
05se02aa 15-Oct-2002 17-Oct-2002
09se02aa 21-Oct-2002 21-Oct-2002
10se02aa 25-Oct-2002 3-Nov-2002
11se02aa 23-Oct-2002 28-Oct-2002
11se02ab 5-Nov-2002 15-Nov-2002
12se02aa 28-Oct-2002 7-Nov-2002
13se02aa 27-Oct-2002 1-Nov-2002
13se02ab 12-Nov-2002 22-Nov-2002
15se02aa 31-Oct-2002 9-Nov-2002
15se02ab 27-Oct-2002 7-Nov-2002
16se02aa 3-Nov-2002 10-Nov-2002
17se02aa 31-Oct-2002 7-Nov-2002
17se02ab 2-Nov-2002 15-Nov-2002
18se02aa 5-Nov-2002 18-Nov-2002
19se02aa 8-Nov-2002 25-Nov-2002
19se02ab 12-Nov-2002 24-Nov-2002
20se02aa 9-Nov-2002 19-Nov-2002
25se02aa 17-Nov-2002 1-Dec-2002
27se02aa 16-Nov-2002 1-Dec-2002
28se02aa 17-Nov-2002 23-Nov-2002

This is based on information sent to me by participating Unix users and has some sampling errors but should be roughly correct.The DVD edition of 2001: A Space Odyssey includes a bonus: a 1968 talk by Arthur C. Clarke fielding questons about the prospects of contact with extraterrestrials.